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Dr. Florian BAUDIN

Spécialiste de la cornée médicale et chirurgicale et de la chirurgie du segment antérieur, chirurgie réfractive, rétine médicale

Le Dr BAUDIN a été formé auprès du Pr Creuzot-Garchet et du Pr Bron au CHU de Dijon, ainsi que par le Pr Muraine au CHU de Rouen.
Il pratique l'ophtalmologie générale ainsi que la prise en charge médicale et chirurgicale des pathologies cornéennes, l'adaptation en lentilles de contact rigide, la chirurgie réfractive et la prise en charge des pathologies rétiniennes médicales.

Il participe aux enseignements d'ophtalmologie et poursuit des travaux de recherches dans les différents champs de l'ophtalmologie.


Cornée Médicale et Chirurgicale
Chirurgie Réfractive
Cataracte et chirurgie du segment antérieur
Pathologies Rétiniennes Médicales
Expertise Médicale

Le Dr Baudin est un chirurgien de la cornée. Son domaine de spécialisation comprend notamment les greffes de cornées (greffes totales, DMEK, DWEK), le traitement du kératocône, l'adaptation en lentilles de contact rigides sur mesure et les chirurgies complexes du segment antérieur de l'œil.

Grâce à son expertise, le Dr Baudin est capable de diagnostiquer les maladies cornéennes et de déterminer les options de traitement les plus appropriées pour chaque patient. Il peut également suivre les patients atteints d'un kératocône, une maladie cornéenne qui provoque une déformation progressive de la cornée et qui peut entraîner une perte de vision importante. Il est capable de diagnostiquer précisément cette maladie et de proposer les traitements les plus adaptés, qu'il s'agisse de lentilles de contact rigides sur mesure ou de chirurgies plus complexes.

Enfin, le Dr Baudin réalise des chirurgies complexes du segment antérieur de l'œil, notamment après traumatismes cornéens, atteintes iriennes...


MàJ 2024.09.21

Nombre de citations

indice h : 13
indice i10 : 19
TitreCitée parAnnée
Association of acute endophthalmitis with intravitreal injections of corticosteroids or Anti–Vascular growth factor agents in a nationwide study in France
F Baudin, E Benzenine, AS Mariet, AM Bron, V Daien, JF Korobelnik, ...
JAMA ophthalmology 136 (12), 1352-1358, 2018
Ranibizumab or aflibercept for diabetic macular edema: comparison of 1-year outcomes from the fight retinal blindness! registry
S Bhandari, V Nguyen, S Fraser-Bell, H Mehta, F Viola, F Baudin, ...
Ophthalmology 127 (5), 608-615, 2020
Influence of cardiac hemodynamic variables on retinal vessel density measurement on optical coherence tomography angiography in patients with myocardial infarction
L Arnould, C Guenancia, PH Gabrielle, S Pitois, F Baudin, T Pommier, ...
Journal francais d'ophtalmologie 43 (3), 216-221, 2020
Epidemiology of acute endophthalmitis after intraocular procedures: a national database study
F Baudin, E Benzenine, AS Mariet, IB Ghezala, AM Bron, V Daien, ...
Ophthalmology Retina 6 (6), 442-449, 2022
Accuracy of the ISNT rule and its variants for differentiating glaucomatous from normal eyes in a population-based study
E Maupin, F Baudin, L Arnould, A Seydou, C Binquet, AM Bron, ...
British Journal of Ophthalmology 104 (10), 1412-1417, 2020
Quality-of-life improvement after scleral lens fitting in patients with keratoconus
F Baudin, A Chemaly, L Arnould, E Barrénéchea, L Lestable, AM Bron, ...
Eye & Contact Lens 47 (9), 520-525, 2021
Incidence of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in France from 2010 to 2016: seasonal and geographical variations
IB Ghezala, AS Mariet, E Benzenine, PH Gabrielle, F Baudin, AM Bron, ...
British Journal of Ophthalmology 106 (8), 1093-1097, 2022
Subretinal drusenoid deposits in the elderly in a population-based study (the Montrachet Study)
PH Gabrielle, A Seydou, L Arnould, N Acar, H Devilliers, F Baudin, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60 (14), 4838-4848, 2019
Cystoid macular edema after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair with pars plana vitrectomy: rate, risk factors, and outcomes
M Merad, F Vérité, F Baudin, IB Ghezala, C Meillon, AM Bron, L Arnould, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (16), 4914, 2022
Incidence and prevalence of neovascular age-related macular degeneration in France between 2008 and 2018: the LANDSCAPE study
CP Creuzot-Garcher, M Srour, F Baudin, V Daien, C Dot, S Nghiem-Buffet, ...
Ophthalmology Science 2 (1), 100114, 2022
Prediction of cardiovascular parameters with supervised machine learning from singapore “I” vessel assessment and OCT-angiography: a pilot study
L Arnould, C Guenancia, A Bourredjem, C Binquet, PH Gabrielle, P Eid, ...
Translational vision science & technology 10 (13), 20-20, 2021
Functional and anatomical outcomes after successful repair of macula‐off retinal detachment: a 12‐month follow‐up of the DOREFA study
F Baudin, C Deschasse, PH Gabrielle, JP Berrod, Y Le Mer, C Arndt, ...
Acta Ophthalmologica 99 (7), e1190-e1197, 2021
Incidence of acute postoperative endophthalmitis following macular surgery in France between 2006 and 2016
I Ben Ghezala, AS Mariet, E Benzenine, AM Bron, F Baudin, V Daien, ...
Acta Ophthalmologica 98 (3), e333-e338, 2020
Reduction in exposure of interventional cardiologists to ionising radiation over a 10-year period
L Faroux, T Blanpain, P Nazeyrollas, S Tassan-Mangina, V Heroguelle, ...
International Journal of Cardiology 259, 57-59, 2018
Bilateral acute macular neuroretinopathy in a young woman after the first dose of Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine
PH Gabrielle, F Baudin, IB Ghezala, C Meillon, AM Bron, L Arnould, ...
American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports 25, 101281, 2022
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on surgical procedures for retinal detachment in France: A national database study
F Baudin, E Benzenine, AS Mariet, IB Ghezala, V Daien, PH Gabrielle, ...
British Journal of Ophthalmology 107 (4), 565-569, 2023
Arthroscopic Trillat technique for chronic post-traumatic anterior shoulder instability: outcomes at 2 years of follow-up
T Chauvet, L Labattut, R Colombi, F Baudin, E Baulot, P Martz
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 31 (6), e270-e278, 2022
Effect of modern dose-reduction technology on the exposure of interventional cardiologists to radiation in the catheterization laboratory
L Faroux, T Blanpain, P Nazeyrollas, S Tassan-Mangina, V Heroguelle, ...
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 11 (2), 222-223, 2018
Plasma fatty acids and primary open-angle glaucoma in the elderly: the Montrachet population-based study
A Chemaly, L Arnould, A Seydou, PH Gabrielle, F Baudin, N Acar, ...
BMC ophthalmology 21, 1-9, 2021
IMPACT study: impact of adherence to anti‐VEGF intravitreal injections for macular disease during COVID 19‐related confinement in France
V Hurand, JB Ducloyer, F Baudin, S Aho, M Weber, L Kodjikian, F Devin, ...
Acta ophthalmologica 101 (1), 91-99, 2023
Incidence of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment following macular surgery in France between 2006 and 2016
IB Ghezala, AS Mariet, E Benzenine, PH Gabrielle, F Baudin, C Quantin, ...
American Journal of Ophthalmology 243, 91-97, 2022
Epidemiology of Treated Diabetes Ocular Complications in France 2008–2018—The LANDSCAPE French Nationwide Study
C Creuzot-Garcher, P Massin, M Srour, F Baudin, C Dot, S Nghiem-Buffet, ...
Pharmaceutics 14 (11), 2330, 2022
Association between obstetric complications and intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents or intravitreal corticosteroids
I Ben Ghezala, AS Mariet, E Benzenine, M Bardou, AM Bron, PH Gabrielle, ...
Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (9), 1374, 2022
The invisible MGHL test: diagnostic value and benefits for the repair of retracted subscapularis tears
T Chauvet, E Haritinian, F Baudin, P Collotte, L Nové-Josserand
The American Journal of Sports Medicine 48 (9), 2144-2150, 2020
Management of diabetic macular oedema in France from 2012 to 2018: The nationwide LANDSCAPE study
CP Creuzot Garcher, P Massin, M Srour, F Baudin, C Dot, ...
Acta Ophthalmologica 102 (4), e548-e556, 2024
Mobile telemedicine screening for diabetic retinopathy using nonmydriatic fundus photographs in burgundy: 11 Years of results
A Charlot, F Baudin, M Tessier, S Lebrize, V Hurand, D Megroian, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (5), 1318, 2022
Mid-Term Impact of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Agents on Intraocular Pressure
MA Hannappe, F Baudin, AS Mariet, PH Gabrielle, L Arnould, AM Bron, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (4), 946, 2022
Subcapularis tendon tear: a structure-based arthroscopic description
L Nové-Josserand, T Chauvet, F Baudin, A Godenèche, P Collotte, ...
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research 107 (1), 102757, 2021
Nanotopography by chromatic confocal microscopy of the endothelium in Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy, pseudophakic bullous keratopathy and healthy corneas
H Vaitinadapoulé, S Poinard, Z He, A Pascale-Hamri, J Thomas, P Gain, ...
British Journal of Ophthalmology 108 (8), 1184-1192, 2024
Management of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatment in France from 2008–2018: The Nationwide LANDSCAPE Study
CP Creuzot Garcher, M Srour, F Baudin, C Dot, S Nghiem-Buffet, ...
Ophthalmology and Therapy 12 (5), 2687-2701, 2023
Effects of topical docosahexaenoic acid on postoperative fibrosis in an animal model of glaucoma filtration surgery
C Carré, F Baudin, B Buteau, L Martine, S Grégoire, G Vasku, O Berdeaux, ...
Acta Ophthalmologica 101 (1), e61-e68, 2023
Plasma Fatty Acids Pattern and Dry Eye Disease in the Elderly: The Montrachet Population-Based Study
A Seydou, L Arnould, PH Gabrielle, F Baudin, IB Ghezala, AM Bron, ...
Nutrients 14 (11), 2290, 2022
P Bielefeld, F Baudin, J Blanc, A Bron, S Mouries-Martin, R Bouvet, ...
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78 (Suppl 2), 2005-2005, 2019
Spasm of iris dilator muscle or tadpole-shaped pupil
C Deschasse, F Baudin, PH Gabrielle, AM Bron, C Creuzot-Garcher
Journal francais d'ophtalmologie 40 (6), 522-523, 2017
Spasme du dilatateur pupillaire ou pupille en têtard
C Deschasse, F Baudin, PH Gabrielle, AM Bron, CC Garcher
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 40 (6), 522-523, 2017
Normal values for fundus perimetry with the MAIA microperimeter and short‐term repeatability evaluation
F Baudin, G Assad, C Meillon, P Koehrer, A Bron, C Creuzot
Acta Ophthalmologica 94, 2016
DRD2 activation inhibits choroidal neovascularization in patients with Parkinson’s disease and age-related macular degeneration
T Mathis, F Baudin, AS Mariet, S Augustin, M Bricout, L Przegralek, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation, 2024
One-Year Anti-VEGF Therapy Outcomes in Diabetic Macular Edema Based on Treatment Intensity: Data from the Fight Retinal Blindness! Registry
H Mehta, PH Gabrielle, Y Hashimoto, GD Kibret, J Arnold, T Guillaumie, ...
Ophthalmology Retina, 2024
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of JCM in 2022
JCM Editorial Office
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (3), 782, 2023
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of JCM in 2022
AD Farris, ACF Chávez, AJ Houben, A Joshi, A Chokshi, A Aithal, A Dietz, ...
J. Clin. Med 12, 782, 2023
How Big Data Informs Us About the Population Health Status: endophthalmitis after ophthalmologic procedures
F Baudin
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: TEL …, 2022
Interface fluid syndrome secondary to ocular contusion in a post-femtoLASIK patient
V Ducray, F Baudin, Q de Bosredon, V Theillac, C Creuzot-Garcher, ...
Journal francais d'ophtalmologie 45 (6), e265-e267, 2022
Syndrome de fluide dans l’interface secondaire à un traumatisme contusif chez un patient aux antécédents de chirurgie réfractive par femtoLASIK
V Ducray, F Baudin, Q de Bosredon, V Theillac, C Creuzot-Garcher, ...
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 45 (6), e265-e267, 2022
Epidemiology of Treated Diabetes Ocular Complications in France 2008–2018—The LANDSCAPE French Nationwide Study. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 2330
C Creuzot-Garcher, P Massin, M Srour, F Baudin, C Dot, S Nghiem-Buffet, ...
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2022
www. ophthalmologyretina. org
F Baudin, E Benzenine, AS Mariet, IB Ghezala, AM Bron, V Daien, ...
Ophthalmology 6, 442-449, 2022
Lésion du tendon subcapularis: une description arthroscopique basée sur la structure tendineuse
L Nové-Josserand, T Chauvet, F Baudin, A Godenèche, P Collotte, ...
Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 107 (1), 96-100, 2021
Facteurs associés à la perte visuelle et à l’apparition de complications ophtalmologiques à un an au cours des uvéites idiopathiques
T Rogier, C Auvens, F Baudin, G Muller, A Turcu, S Mouries-Martin, ...
La Revue de Médecine Interne 41, A39-A40, 2020
Ranibizumab or Aflibercept for Diabetic Macular Edema: One-Year Comparison of Real-World Outcomes from Fight Retinal Blindness! Registry.
S Bhandari, V Nguyen, S Fraser-Bell, H Mehta, F Viola, F Baudin, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61 (7), 3289-3289, 2020
Epidemiology of acute endophthalmitis after ophthalmological procedures, a national database description
F Baudin, E Benzenine, AS Mariet, AM Bron, C Quantin, CPC Garcher
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61 (7), 2307-2307, 2020
Bilateral peripupillary cysts in a 30 year-old patient
M Guillemin, J Blanc, F Baudin, D Haddad, AM Bron, C Creuzot-Garcher
Journal francais d'ophtalmologie 43 (4), 373-375, 2020
Kystes péripupillaires bilatéraux chez un patient de 30 ans
M Guillemin, J Blanc, F Baudin, D Haddad, AM Bron, C Creuzot-Garcher
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 43 (4), 373-375, 2020
Intérêt du ligament gléno-huméral moyen dans le diagnostic et la réparation des lésions du subscapularis
T Chauvet, P Collotte, F Baudin, E Tebaa, E Haritinian, L Merlini, ...
Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 105 (8), S134, 2019
Antibiotic prophylaxis and intravitreal injections: impact on the incidence of acute endophthalmitis
F Baudin, E Benzenine, AS Mariet, AM Bron, V Daien, JF Korobelnik, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60 (9), 2026-2026, 2019
Endophtalmie aiguë après injection intravitréenne d’antiangiogéniques ou de corticoïdes en France de 2012 à 2015
AS Mariet, F Baudin, E Benzenine, AM Bron, C Quantin, ...
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 67, S72-S73, 2019
Acute endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections of corticosteroids or anti-vascular growth factor agents. A nationwide study in France from 2012 to 2015
F Baudin, E Benzenine, AS Mariet, A Bron, V Daien, JF Korobelnik, ...
T065-Acute endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections of corticosteroids or anti-vascular growth factor agents. A nationwide study in France from 2012 to 2015
F Baudin, E Benzenine, AS Mariet, AM Bron, V Daien, JF Korobelnik, ...
European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) Congress 96, 1 p., 2018
Quantitative metrics in swept source-optical coherence tomography in healthy eyes: fractal dimension, an interesting tool?
L Arnould, PH Gabrielle, F Baudin, B Aliahmad, M Sarossy, AM Bron, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59 (9), 2885-2885, 2018
Retinal phacomas in tuberous sclerosis in a 18-year old patient
E Barrenechea, C Deschasse, F Baudin, AM Bron, CC Garcher
Journal francais d'ophtalmologie 40 (10), 898-900, 2017
Phacomes rétiniens dans le cadre d’une sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville chez un patient de 18 ans
E Barrenechea, C Deschasse, F Baudin, AM Bron, CC Garcher
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 40 (10), 898-900, 2017
Intérêt de l’ustékinumab pour le traitement des uvéites antérieures chez une patiente avec un rhumatisme psoriasique
P Bielefeld, JB Picque, H Devilliers, E Maupin, F Baudin, A Turcu, ...
La Revue de Médecine Interne 36, A189, 2015
Grand Prix Presbytie 2018
F Baudin, A De Lazzer, E Barrenechea, M Guillemin, A Bron, ...
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